Just a bit different, just more challenging, just one step ahead. That characterizes the projects of ArthurArmstrong. If you do recognise yourself in this, we would love to work with you. We develop for the market and for our own portfolio. From high valuable redevelopments to new construction, to live, work and stay more sustainable, free and happy.

ArthurArmstrong - Develops sustainable value

ArthurArmstrong is an initiator and producer of sustainable value development. We select projects with an open mind and a curious attitude and we connect with interested parties and select projects, make connections and cultivate new partnerships.

Discuss your project directly and without any obligation?

Discuss your project directly and without any obligation?

The major challenges of our time are forcing us to develop smarter and more sustainably. How do we deal with scarce resources, the built environment and valuable living space? How do we respond to changing needs in living, working and mobility? The market is fully in transition. This creates new issues where old solutions are no longer sufficient.


Arthur Armstrong does more

Ondertekening samenwerkingsovereenkomst

Ondertekening samenwerkingsovereenkomst

208 woningen De Hoef in Amersfoort
Op donderdag 15 juni heeft de Alliantie Ontwikkeling tijdens PROVADA een samenwerkingsovereenkomst getekend met ontwikkelaar ArthurArmstrong voor de realisatie van 208 woningen in De Hoef in Amersfoort. De Hoef is een herontwikkeling van een voormalige kantoorlocatie naar huur- en koopappartementen. Naar verwachting wordt eind 2023 aangevangen met de bouw. De oplevering staat gepland voor 2025. lees verder: https://www.capitalvalue.nl/nieuws/de-alliantie-ontwikkeling-sluit-samenwerkingsovereenkomst-met-arhurarmstrong-voor-208-woningen-in-amersfoort